General information

Start your health journey with this life enrichment tonic that contains all the Vitamins, Minerals and Organic plant extracted PhytoFulvic acid to help you building your immune system keeping viruses and bacteria at bay, energize every cell, improves stamina, stabilize sugar, promotes skin rejuvenation, organ repair and rebuild, bone growth, mental focus, mood enhancer and a general pick-me up health stimulant, therefore a metabolic function optimiser and a general recovery tonic. Stay healthy in one totally balanced formulation.

The Comprehensive and Balanced Vitamin and Essential Mineral Formula in essence supports the Cellular Anti-Oxidant Biochemical Pathway (Refer Scientific publication Dr C Malan). Oxygen free radicals are normal by-products of cell metabolism but at high levels they cause damage to cells. The Anti-oxidant System protects the body cells from damage and death and as a result support a strong immune function.

B Vitamins in the correct concentration and ratio has powerful anti-aging properties. Vit B’s support the body’s biochemical processes. It helps to protect your skin from premature ageing such as fine lines, wrinkles and age spots.

B Vitamins are needed for proper functioning of almost every process that occurs in our body. It is of critical importance for general metabolism, the nervous system, vital organs, eyes, muscles, skin, and hair. Our body uses different energy yielding food sources like carbohydrates, fats, and proteins for fuel. B Vitamins helps the body mobilize and utilize that fuel. They play a major role in the activities of enzymes and proteins that regulate chemical reactions in the body, which are important for turning food into energy.

Our body, however, has a limited capacity of storing Vitamin B’s, so high amounts of Vitamin B consumption is necessary for the proper functioning of the body processes.

Vitamin B deficiency can often lead to several health problems with various of symptoms amongst others varying from headaches, diabetes, skin problems and difficulty to control a healthy weight.

Vitamin C is crucial in protecting the skin from the effects of aging. Vitamin C is not only necessary for collagen production and maintenance but is a crucial part of the biochemical Anti-oxidant System that neutralizes free radicals before causing cell damage or cell death. This mechanism is present in the skin and every cell in the body (also in plants and other living organisms) and only when in a balanced combination with mineral nutrients like Iron, Copper, Zinc and Manganese will function optimally.

Free radicals are mainly Oxygen atoms with an unpaired extra electron also known as superoxide. Superoxide punctures and damage cell membranes and at high concentrations kills organelles and cells (inflammation) resulting in damaged skin and cells that causes aging.

Vit C in combination with mineral nutrients like Zinc drives the biochemical Anti-oxidant mechanism which are present in every cell and protects against damage caused by toxic chemicals and pollutants like cigarette smoke.

Oxygen radicals can build up in cells of different organs and contribute to the development of health conditions such as cancer, heart disease and arthritis with the inflammation of tissue associated with these conditions as stark indication that the Anti-oxidant system is not functioning which is associated with Vit C and Zn, Fe, Mn, Cu and Se mineral deficiencies.

The resulting problem is that the load on the immune system also increases with a lowering of immune response when the body is attacked by pathogenic bacteria and viruses which then leads to higher susceptibility to inflammation/disease.

Vitamin D3 is a fat-soluble vitamin and is responsible for enhanced uptake of Calcium, Phosphate and Magnesium.

It has been shown to be involved in numerous biochemical functions in various body organs and when deficient will manifest in a whole range of ailments. Vitamin D3 important to maintain healthy blood levels of Calcium and Phosphorous by increasing Calcium and Phosphorous absorption and reducing urinary loss of these elements and as a result maintain healthy bones and teeth. Vit D reduces depression, heart disease and cancer. Increase immunity and reduces insulin resistance.